Saturday, December 15, 2007


Hier je suis allée à Gragnague en train pour apprendre le français avec madame Andrée. C'était un bon cours. Gragnague est une commune française. C'est un village sympathique. Après le cours, Damien (un ami de Camille) m'a amenée à l'appartement de Toulouse avec sa voiture parce que nous aurons fait une fête pour lui. Il part vivre à La Réunion. La Réunion est une île. Il vivait à Toulouse depuis plusieurs des années. Je suis jalouse parce que ça à l'air d'être un endroit sympathique à visiter - le soleil et les plages. Il y avait 8 personnes à la fête. Nous avons regardé Star Academy 7 - c'est mon émission préférée en France et après nous avons joué à la Coinche.C'est un jeu de carte célèbre en France. J'étais dans la même équipee que Camille. Damien et Sébastien étaient dans l'autre équipe. Oh et Sébastien qui était en Inde depuis 5 mois vient juste de rentrer en France. Il est allé filmer un documentaire au sujet de Janadesh et il va monter son film à Toulouse, à côté de notre appartement. Nous l'avons donc à nouveau rencontré à la fête hier soir.

Tu sais quoi? Nous avons perdu! >.<

Gragnague is a French commune. It's a beautiful village. After the lesson, Damien (Camille's friend) drove me to apartment in Toulouse by his car because we will have a going away party for him. He will go to live in La Réunion. La Réunion is an island. He was living in Toulouse for many years. I am jealous because it seems a very nice place to visit - the sun and beaches! There were 8 persons in this party. We watched Star Academy 7 - it is my favorite TV show in France and after we played Coinche card game. It is a very famous card game in France. I was in the same team as Camille. Damien and Sébastien were in another team. Oh and Sébastien who was in India for 5 months, now he is back to France. He went to film documentary about Janadesh and he will edit his film in Toulouse, next to our apartment. So we met him again in the party last night.

You know what? We lost the game! >.<

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ce week-end

Aujourd'hui il a plu et fait froid comme d'habitude. J'étais dans l'appartement. J'ai regardé les séries américaines - Dexter, Heroes et Lost. J'ai lu la grammaire française. J'ai cuisiné le déjeuner et le dîner. Camille et moi, nous avons reçu la visite de 2 amis ce soir, Guillaume et Damien. Nous jouons à la wii. On s'est bien amusés!

Traduire en anglais:
Today It rained and cold as usual. I was in the apartment. I watched the American series - Dexter, Heroes and Lost. I have read French grammar. I cooked lunch and dinner. Camille and I have 2 friends to visit tonight, Guillaume and Damien. We are playing wii. We have a lot of fun!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Greeting from France.

It has been a long time since I have updated my blog - my old blog was moved from its server and I can not restore it so today I am creating a new blog. Fortunately, I am in France now and I feel like doing something new for myself. It is quite difficult for me for suddenly move to live in another country but I am happy to be here. I have to adapt myself to France and get used to the weather which is very cold and also to French food which I have never eaten before - my friends gave me some ideas for French food which made me reluctant to taste it but luckily that I can find Asian shops near my place so I can cook some Thai foods. I have been staying here for 2 months and one thing that is keeping me busy is the French language. Yes, if you ask me, "Do i need to learn it?". French people do not like speak English even if most of them know how to speak. That is a big problem for me right now - with knowing no French but having to stay here, I can not enjoy social life. Thus, I have to learn French, which is a new language for me and it is a language that I have never thought about learning before but here I am - I am learning French and it is good for me.

My purpose in creating this blog is to learn French - practice my writing and to share my daily life in France. In order to better learn French, I will write my blog in French too so if anybody and friends are reading my blog and knowing French and find mistakes, please feel free to make corrections and suggestions and comment on it. It will be very useful for me.

Thank you very much.
