Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yum Yum - Miam miam

Are you hungry?
Avez-vous faim ?

Here are some dishes I had cooked last month.
Voici certains plats que j'ai cuisiné le mois dernier.

Hamburger au Bulgogi et Kimchi

Pad Taeng Kwa Sai Goong - Sauté de concombre aux crevettes

Nam Tok Nua - Salade de bœuf grillé aux herbes thaïlandaises

Tod Mun Moo - Galettes de porc

Tom Saeb Sikroong Moo - Soupe de travers de porc, parfumée à la citronnelle, feuilles de citron kaffir, galanga et piments

Pad Mii BBQ Nua - Nouilles sautées au bulgogi

Gaeng Som Khai Cha-om - Soupe aigre à l'omelette, aux crevettes et au poisson frit

Yum yum..., we were full ! :-P
Miam miam..., nous avons bien mangé ! :-P


Something About LadyM said...

It made me hungry! Only milk and peanut butter for me this morning. Now, I'm going to find something for my stomach. :P By the way Aey, they're look so good. ;)

Warodom Werapun said...


- pleX (Guitarist@Sukhothai)