Friday, May 9, 2008

Un jour et un mot - Rêche

rêche (resh) adjective
harsh, rough, abrasive (fabric, wine)
prickly, cross-grained (difficult-to-deal-with person: un homme rêche)

Additional French definition for rêche:
: "qui est âpre au goût" = that which is tart to the taste

le drap rêche = crumpled sheet
le vin rêche = a rough wine
la voix rêche = raspy voice
rendre rêche = to roughen

Synonyms in English (and French) include flirty and fun words like scabrous, râpeux (raspy), and cahoteux (bumpy)

une lessiveuse (f) métallique = copper boiler for washing; le lavoir (m) = outdoor laundry (consisting of a great, rectangular stone bassin filled with running water); rêche = coarse; le tablier (m) = apron; chilblain = type of skin disease ; le potager (m) = vegetable
garden; la maisonnée (f) = household; la cotonnade (f) = cotton fabric; le témoin (m) = witness, proof, evidence; paysan (paysanne) = rural

La source: French Word-A-Day

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